1 min read



Component for use as Layout to be filled with the rest of the Components.


Name Description Type Default
devMode Enables the devMode, which shows the available slots to use with its names. boolean false
asideAnimation The animation used for the Main Aside. Vue () => animateTranslate('right')


Name Description Bindings
(name - type - description)
header Slot that is used to insert content into the Header. None
sub-header Slot that can be used to insert content into the Sub Header. None
toolbar Slot that can be used to insert content into the Toolbar. None
predictive Slot that can be used to insert content into the Predictive Layer. None
main Slot that can be used to insert content into the Main. None
floating Slot that can be used to insert content into the Floating. None
footer Slot that can be used to insert content into the Footer. None
aside Slot that can be used to insert content into the Aside. None
extra-aside None