Component that renders a promotion banner on top of the results grid.
The search
module allows you to configure search-related features.
Component that renders a promotion banner on top of the results grid.
partial query button
Component that renders a button to display partial results for a specific search query.
promoteds list
Component that renders a list with promoted results.
sort dropdown
Component that dropdowns a list of sorting options to arrange the search results.
spellcheck button
Component that renders a button to use the spell checked query alternative provided for a misspelled query.
Banners list
Component that renders a list with promotions banners.
partial results list
Component that renders a list with partial results that partially matches the search query.
Component that redirects shoppers to a specific URL in the commerce store instead of returning search resulst.
sort list
Component that renders a list of sorting options to arrange the search results.
Component that renders a message when the query is misspelled.
fallback disclaimer
Component that shows a message when the filters are removed as they return no results.
Component that renders a promoted results in the results grid.
results list
Component that renders a list with search results.
sort picker list
Component that allows shoppers to select the search results order.