1 min read

Analyze the search and discovery experiences

Data is key in ensuring your search experience is successful and in detecting opportunities. What are your shoppers interested in finding? How can you identify any frustrated searches and implement measures so the shopping journey doesn't go to a dead end? Do shoppers find what they want straightaway or do they need to refine their searches or browse several pages of results to locate what they're looking for?

Analyze search and discovery

Empathy Platform offers several analytics and insights features to help you track search and navigation performances, model and understand your shoppers' behavior, and measure the quality of your search and navigation relevance so you can make data-driven decisions to improve the search & discovery experiences:


Track the evolution in search in terms of users, queries, and sessions and visualize KPIs such as CTR, add-to-cart, and findability for your search experience. Explore also the discovery journey of your shoppers and scan KPIs such as views, clicks, findability, and add-to-cart for your navigation performance.

In addition to the standard reports offered by the Statistics API, Empathy Platform Playboard offers these analytics features:


Be inspired by your shoppers’ journey. Get a deeper understanding of the shopping experience. Fuelled by the Statistics microservice, Empathy Platform Playboard provides these insights: