16 min read

Query Settings features

Query settings search features include options that determine what information should be sent in the query. Empathy Platform offers the following query settings features:

  • Faceting: Categorizes the results based on fields sent in the request.
  • Filtering: Delimits the results based on field values sent in the request.
  • Mandatory Parameters: Validates if a parameter has been included in the request.


For an explanation on how to set up the features in the Search microservice, see Feature configuration.


The Faceting (faceting) feature offers the ability to create facets for specific fields. The Faceting feature supports three types of facets: value (standard), range, and hierarchical.

Facets can be determined using:

The order of preference is query parameters, then Playboard configuration (for the browsing experience only), and finally, Search configuration file. All facetable fields must be set up in the Search configuration file.

The order of the facets in the response is determined by the mechanism used for faceting. However, when using the query parameter, the order received in the service may not be the same as that the shopper sent in the request.


You must have set up either a searchconfiguration or browseconfiguration collection in Elasticsearch, depending on the context (navigation or search). The endpoint returns a 500 Internal Server error code if the collection does not exist.

Query parameters

You can pass the facet to return in the response by using the facet query parameter. For example, to return the facet gender, use facet=gender. To return multiple facets, use multiple facet parameters, e.g. facet=gender&facet=brand.

You can deactivate facets for a single request by using the facets query parameter.


The facets query parameter overrides the enabled property in the Search configuration.

If the facet parameter is informed in the request, you can boost or bury facet values by adding the parameters f.{FACET_FIELD}.boosts and f.{FACET_FIELD}.buries, respectively (where {FACET_FIELD} represents the value of the name of the facet field). For example, to boost the gender facet field women, you use the query parameters facet=gender&f.gender.boosts=women.

To boost or bury multiple values, you separate the values by commas. The order of the values is maintained in the response. When boosting, the first value is the first one in the response. When burying, the first value is the last one in the response.
For example, to boost the brands nike and addidas in the Brand facet, where Nike appears before Addidas: facet=brand&f.brand.boosts=nike,addidas.

You can use the f.{FACET_FIELD}.sort parameter to sort each facet value in the request, either alphabetically or by the number of filters. For example, to sort gender facet values alphabetically: facet=gender&f.gender.sort=ALPHABETICALLY.


All facet fields must be set up in the Search configuration to operate as query parameters. Otherwise, a 400 Bad Request error code is returned by the endpoint.

Field Description Type
facet Facet field to return in the response String
facets Determines whether facets are enabled or not (case-insensitive). If it is set to false, the response won't include the facets section. If no value is set, the facets are returned. If you enter a value other than those accepted, the endpoint returns an exception. Boolean
f.{FACET_FIELD}.boosts Boosts the facet fields specified. Fields are separated by commas Array
f.{FACET_FIELD}.buries Buries the facet field specified. Fields are separated by commas Array
f.{FACET_FIELD}.sort Sorts the facets in the order specified. Facets can be sorted by RESULTS_NUMBER or ALPHABETICALLY String

Playboard configuration

The Empathy Platform Playboard lets merchandisers configure the facets displayed in the browsing experience using the Browsing configuration tool.

To determine the fields that can be used as facets in the Playboard:

Facet configuration for browsing can be applied hierarchically, so a parent configuration is applied over children where there is no specific configuration for the children. You can sort facet values by number of results or alphabetically. You can also you boost or bury specific facet values, so they appear at the top or at the bottom of the list in the Empathy Platform Playboard Configuration tool.

Using Faceting with Browsing Search

To retrieve the Playboard configuration of the discovery experience, you must pass the browseField and browseValue query parameters in the request. The browseField parameter must contain the field used for browsing and browseValue must contain the value of the browsing field. To set up the browsing experience, see Browsing Search.

Search configuration

The Search configuration file contains the default configuration that is used where no values are passed as query parameters or retrieved from the Empathy Platform Playboard.

All facetable fields must be included in the Search configuration file in the facets parameter. If the field is not present in the configuration and a request is sent with a facet query parameter, a 400 Bad Request error code is returned.

The facetableFields parameter determines the type of facet used: value, range, or hierarchical. You must indicate a value for facetableFields. Within each facet type, you determine the name of the field to be used as a facet in the field parameter and the name of the filter field in filterField.

Using Faceting with Filtering

When faceting is used with filtering, filtering should be executed first so that the filters are also applied to facets. Filter queries must have the same name as the filtered field. This means that filterField must use the same name as the queryParam configured in the filtering feature.

To be able to retrieve the facets set up in the Search configuration file in the Empathy Platform Playboard so they can be configured, you must set the context of the request and include all the required parameters. The context should be set as BROWSE when adding a browsing endpoint.
The SEARCH context is used for facets for the search experience and must be associated with a search endpoint. The query parameter is required for the search experience.

Config parameters

Field Description Type Default value
context Determines the context to use: SEARCH or BROWSE (required) String ---
facetableFields List of allowed fields to be used as facets (optional) Array ---
facets List of fields to be configured as facets (optional) Array Empty list
enabled Enables or deactivates facets (required) Boolean ---
mainCollectionId Collection name used to compose the name of the index collection to search on (required) String ---
secondaryCollectionId Secondary collection name used to compose the name of the index collection to search on (required) String ---

Facetable Fields parameters

Field Description Type Default value
rangeFacets List of allowed fields to be used as range facets Array Empty list
valueFacets List of allowed fields to be used as value facets Array Empty list
hierarchicalFacets List of allowed fields to be used as hierarchical facets Array Empty list

Value facets

Value facets (valueFacets) show a list of textual values for an attribute. You determine the field and filterField values, and indicate the number of values to be returned (minCount, size).

Value Facets parameters

Field Description Type Default value
field Name of the field to facet. Fields must be keyword type in the index String ---
filterField Name of the field to filter the facet. Fields must be keyword type in the index String ---
minCount Minimum number of results for each facet value to appear in the response Integer 1
size Maximum number of facet values to appear in the response Integer 100

Configuration example

  "name": "faceting",
  "config": {
    "context": "SEARCH",
    "mainCollectionId": "collection",
    "secondaryCollectionId": "secondaryCollection",
    "enabled": true,
    "facetableFields": {
      "valueFacets": [
          "field": "field1",
          "filterField": "filterField1",
          "size": 100,
          "minCount": 1
    "facets": [

Range facets

Range facets (rangeFacets) present facet values on a range. Range facets use numeric values. You determine the field and filterField values and establish the upper and lower limits for the range (ranges).

Range Facets parameters

Field Description Type Default value
field Name of the field to facet. Field must be numeric type in the index String ---
filterField Name of the field to filter the facet. Fields must be keyword type in the index String ---
ranges List of ranges to be applied Array ---

Ranges parameters

Field Description Type Default value
from Lower limit to use for a range Integer ---
to Upper limit to use for a range Integer ---
gap Interval used to divide up the range. Only used if from and to are informed Integer ---

Configuration example

  "name": "faceting",
  "config": {
    "context": "SEARCH",
    "mainCollectionId": "collection",
    "secondaryCollectionId": "secondaryCollection",
    "enabled": true,
    "facetableFields": {
      "rangeFacets": [
          "field": "numericField",
          "ranges": [
              "to": 10,
              "gap": 10
              "from": 10,
              "to": 100,
              "gap": 50
              "from": 100,
              "gap": 10
    "facets": [

Hierarchical facets

Hierachical facets organize categories into subfacets for a more granular filtering experience. They establish a parent-child relationship between facets that allows shoppers to drill down from a general category to a more specific category. For hierarchical facets, each value in the hierarchy must have a name and an ID. For example:

- Pantry:01
  - Baking+%26+Cooking: 01012
    - Cake+%26+Brownie+Mix: 0101200004

The field must be stored in the index according to a specific format:

"facetField": [

This block indicates the path where the document belongs. It contains the following information:

  • Items that start with / are the first level of items.
  • The ID of the parent item is found before the / symbol (e.g. 01).
  • The escaped value of the facet is found after the / (e.g. Pantry).
  • The separator | is used after the value, followed by the ID corresponding to that item (e.g. 01012).
  • The stored ID must contain all the IDs from the root to the current value, separated by double underscore __.

coding tip

As the characters /, | and __ have a special meaning for hierarchical facets, make sure facet fields do not contain them as part of their names or IDs. In that case, you should process those characters using the client index plugin.

Hierarchical Facets parameters

Field Description Type Default value
field Name of the field to facet. Fields must be keyword type in the index String -
filterField Name of the field to filter the facet. Fields must be keyword type in the index String -
minCount Minimum number of results for each facet value to appear in the response Integer 1
size Maximum number of facet values that will appear in the response Integer 100

To facilitate the filtering of the facet, a separated filterField is used, where only IDs are stored. For example:

"filterField": [


The Filtering (filtering) feature adds the ability to filter the results based on field-value and numeric range criteria.


Faceting and Total hits features depend on filtering. For more information, see Faceting and Total hits.

Filters can be sent in two ways:

  • filter parameter value: using the format: filter=field:value or filter=field:from-to.
  • Query parameter: using the format field=value or field=from-to.

If a request contains filters in two formats, the values inside filter parameter have preference. For example, if the color is sent as a query parameter (color=red) and as a filter parameter (filter=color:blue) in the request color=red&filter=color:blue, only the blue color is filtered.

If the request contains multiple filters on various attributes, all of filters are evaluated (AND operation relationship). For example, if the request contains filter=color:red&filter=size:L&filter=price:5-5.99, the results are filtered to show only those that match the color red, size L, and a price range of €5 to €5.99.

For multi-value/multi-range filters, by default a single match is enough to consider the result valid (OR relationship). You can change this behavior using the operation configuration parameter. For example, if you configure the operation parameter as OR, when the request is filter=color:red&filter=color:blue, it shows results that match either the color red or the color blue.

If you want to use exclude results using filters, you need to send an exclusion filter in the request in the format exclude_configuredFieldName. For example, to filter results by color, showing those that match red and strictly excluding any results that match blue, the parameters are filter=color:red&filter=exclude_color:blue.

Field Description Type
filter Field to be used as filter. Available formats: filter=field:value or filter=field:from-to String
exclude_ Field to be used to exclude. Format: filter=exclude_field:value String

Search configuration

The fields used to filter the results are configured either in the request or in the JSON configuration file of the feature. If a required filter is not included in the request, a bad request error is returned in the response.

Config parameters

Field Description Type Default value
fields List of allowed fields to be used as filter. It cannot be null or empty (required) Array -

Fields parameters

Field Description Type Default value
name Name of the field to filter. It cannot be null or empty (required) String -
queryParam Name of the query parameter (optional) String The value specified in name
type Type of the filter. It can be either VALUE or RANGE. It cannot be null. It must be written in upper case (required) String -
mandatory Specifies if the filter must be provided in the request. Possible values: true (the filter is included in all the requests) or false (the filter is not included in all the requests) (optional) Boolean false
exclusion Specifies if the filter is an exclusion filter. Possible values: true or false (optional) Boolean false
operation Operation to be applied to different values of the same filter. It can be AND or OR String OR

Configuration example

  "name": "filtering",
  "config": {
    "fields": [
        "name": "brandCode",
        "queryParam": "brand",
        "type": "VALUE",
        "operation": "OR"
        "name": "price",
        "type": "RANGE",
        "mandatory": true
        "name": "brandName",
        "type": "VALUE",
        "exclusion": true

Mandatory Parameters

The Mandatory Parameters (mandatoryparameters) feature adds the ability to check if a given parameter has been included in the request. It returns an 400 Bad Request error if the parameter missing.

Search configuration

The fields to be validated as mandatory are included in the mandatoryFields parameter.

Field Description Type Default value
mandatoryFields List of fields that must be present in the request Array Empty list

Configuration example

  "name": "mandatoryparameters",
  "config": {
    "mandatoryFields": [