1 min read
Manage your feed with the Index API
Getting started with Indexing
Start indexing your product catalog feed:
- Learn more about the Indexing Process
- Discover how to index a feed with different procedures
Indexing process
Indexing is the method used to convert the product catalog of your commerce store into an index of product information that is understandable for search engines.
The process is an entire pipeline managed by the Index microservice and its different components. Check the Catalog indexing process to get all the details about how your products are indexed.
Index a feed
There are different procedures to index a new feed or update an existing one. Depending on the method used, you must help yourself with a tool or another. Choose among the following the procedure that best suits your needs:
- Index a feed using the Instance Management Console (IMC)
- Index a feed using the Index API
- Index a feed using queues
Explore the Index API endpoints in the Index API reference.