5 min read

Manage your product catalog indexing

Since the indexing of your product catalog via a feed file is the first step to start working on the Empathy Platform Playboard, the Index section of the Instance Management Console lets you monitor and manage the index jobs of the Index microservice to identify issues, loaded feeds, and failed or queued index jobs.

The Index microservice is responsible for receiving and managing product data from your catalog in feed files. A feed is like an inventory of products, where relevant information needed for search, such as characteristics and attributes, is provided in specific fields.


Only Playboard users with permissions for instance management can work with the Index section.


Want to know more about catalog indexing? Check out the Index your product catalog section to get more details.

Customization form

When you access the Index management section for the first time, you can visualize the list of the latest jobs executed which are related to the feed files loaded onto the instance you’re working on.

The Index job list displays the following details:

  • Job ID: identifier of the job file in the Index microservice.
  • Feed ID: identifier of the feed file.
  • Status: the status of the index job. You can find the following different statuses:
    • Running: the job is being submitted.
    • Queued: the job is waiting to be submitted.
    • Success: the job was successfully submitted.
    • Partial success: some parts of the job were successfully submitted and others failed.
    • Failure: the job was not submitted successfully.
    • Discarded: the job running or queued was discarded.
  • Documents: documents from the feed read (marked with an “R”) or written (marked with a “W”) by the Index microservice. The documents read weren't modified, but the written ones were updated with the feed file content.
  • Deployments: the number of deployments and their status (success or failure) that an index job has.
  • Pivots: the different pivots, such as language or store, used to divide the feed during its transformation (for example, a feed is divided into several ones according to the different languages that the initial feed has).
  • Date: the date when the index job took place.
  • Time: the duration it took to process the index job.


If you manage several instances, you see an additional column on the left that indicates the name of the Instance to which the feed belongs. You can filter the results list by instance. In addition, you can access the index section of the IMC from the panel where all instances are displayed. You find a gear icon on the top right corner to access the Index Management section directly.

When hovering over the Partial success and Failure statuses, a tooltip with additional information about the error related to the failure is displayed. When clicking a row, more information about the deployments is displayed in a pop-up window with the following column fields: Deployment ID, Pivots, Date, and Status. When hovering over the status, a tooltip gives additional details about it, especially when there are errors.

In each row, on the right, there is a three dots actions menu that unfolds the actions available for the index job:

  • Download file: the index job file is downloaded.
  • Reimport: the feed file submitted is reimported because an error occurred and you want to try again.
  • Discard: the feed file with Queued status can be discarded.

Use the filters on the top left corner of the screen to narrow down the index jobs shown on the list. The filters you can use are Feed Id and Status (being the status available to filter: Discarded, Failure, Queued, or the three of them).

The reload arrow on the top right corner shows the remaining seconds for refreshing the index jobs information in the list. It's updated every minute.

You can select the number of index jobs to be displayed in the list with the row selector in the bottom left corner of the screen. You can navigate to other pages in the index jobs list using the page navigation options in the bottom right corner of the screen. The total number of index jobs is the one here displayed (for example, “1-10 of 54”).

Submitting a job

You can submit feed files to modify your already loaded feeds or upload a new feed file to your instance. To submit a new job, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Submit job button to open the Submit job window.
  2. Select a feed type depending on the feed file content you want to submit (synonymize, products, browse configuration, etc.). They are alphabetically listed to ease their findability.
  3. Browse the file you want to upload or drag and drop it into the modal window.
  4. Click Accept.


Remember that the file formats accepted by your commerce store are defined during the setup of your instance. If another file format is submitted, it isn't loaded into the system.


All configurations related to the setup of your instance must be completed before you're able to submit feed files to be indexed, specifically the design of your feed and its structure. Check the Index your product catalog page to get more insights about how the indexing process works. Go to the Upload the feed section to find another way to upload a feed.

After submitting the file, a new row will be added to the top of the list, indicating the index job’s status (probably running or queued).