1 min read



Renders default slot content. It binds to the default slot a @empathyco/x-types#BooleanFilter, the XEvent that will be emitted when clicking the content, the css classes and if the content should be deactivated.


Name Description Type Default
filter The filter data to render. BooleanFilter
clickEvents Additional events with its payload to emit when the filter is clicked. Partial


Renders default slot content. It binds to the default slot a filter, the events that will be emitted when clicking the content, the CSS classes and if the content should be deactivated.

Basic usage

<RenderlessFilter :filter="filter" />

Customizing its contents and adding new events

    v-slot="{ filter, clickFilter, cssClasses, isDisabled }"
    <button @click="clickFilter" :class="cssClasses" :disabled="isDisabled">
      {{ filter.label }}
  import { RenderlessFilter } from '@empathyco/x-components';
  export default {
    components: {
    props: ['filter'],
    computed: {
      clickEvents() {
        return { UserClickedAHierarchicalFilter: this.filter };