2 min read



Renders a simple filter, emitting the needed events when clicked.


Name Description Type Default
filter The filter data to render. SimpleFilterModel
clickEvents Additional events, with their payload, to emit when the filter is clicked. Partial


Name Description Bindings
(name - type - description)
default The control element to render filter Filter - The filter data
clickFilter () => void - Method that will invoke the needed actions after the user
cssClasses Object - Object containing CSS classes to add to the button
isDisabled Boolean - True if the filter shouldn't be able to be selected by the
label The content to render inside the button filter Filter - The filter data


A list of events that the component will emit:

See it in action

This component renders a button, which on clicked emits the UserClickedAFilter and the UserClickedASimpleFilter events. By default, it renders a button with the filter.label property as text.

The filter prop is required. The clickEvents prop is optional and allows configuring the events to emit on click.

  <SimpleFilter :filter="filter" />
  import { SimpleFilter } from '@empathyco/x-components/facets';
  export default {
    name: 'SimpleFilterTest',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        filter: {
          modelName: 'SimpleFilter',
          selected: false,
          id: 'category:shirts',
          value: 'category:shirts',
          facetId: 'category',
          totalResults: 10

Playing with props

Configuring the events to emit when the filter is clicked.

  <SimpleFilter :clickEvents="{ UserClickedASimpleFilter: filter }" :filter="filter" />
  import { SimpleFilter } from '@empathyco/x-components/facets';
  export default {
    name: 'SimpleFilterTest',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        filter: {
          modelName: 'SimpleFilter',
          selected: false,
          id: 'category:shirts',
          value: 'category:shirts',
          facetId: 'category',
          totalResults: 10

Rendering an input

You can change the rendered control using the default slot. Note that because of the current Vue limitations, you must only render one single root node in this slot. There you will receive all the data and methods needed:

  <SimpleFilter v-slot="{ filter, clickFilter, isDisabled, cssClasses }" :filter="filter">
    <label :class="cssClasses">
      <input :checked="filter.selected" type="checkbox" @change="clickFilter" />
      {{ filter.label }}
  import { SimpleFilter } from '@empathyco/x-components/facets';
  export default {
    name: 'SimpleFilterTest',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        filter: {
          modelName: 'SimpleFilter',
          selected: false,
          id: 'category:shirts',
          value: 'category:shirts',
          facetId: 'category',
          label: 'Shirts',
          totalResults: 10

Changing default button content

You can change the content rendered by the default button using the label slot. There you will receive the filter data.

  <SimpleFilter :filter="filter">
    <template #label="{ filter }">
      <img :src="`imgs/filters/${filter.id}.png`" />
      <span>{{ filter.label }}</span>
  import { SimpleFilter } from '@empathyco/x-components/facets';
  export default {
    name: 'SimpleFilterTest',
    components: {
    data() {
      return {
        filter: {
          modelName: 'SimpleFilter',
          selected: false,
          id: 'category:shirts',
          value: 'category:shirts',
          facetId: 'category',
          label: 'Shirts',
          totalResults: 10