Prepare to capture shopper interactions
When preparing your commerce store for tagging, you need to think about what search features you want to use, what interactions you want to collect, and what information you want to be able to analyze and track.
Contextual search features
If you want to detect shopper affinities to increase the conversion rate and offer a conversational experience, you need to know what are the favorite attributes and popular products for most shoppers. Similarly, if you want to show hints for new searches based on items that other shoppers search for consecutively or what are the most popular searches for a period, you need to you’ll need to have extensive data from all the queries and clicks in your store that can help you to identify patterns in consumption. Tagging data is used to fuel Empathy Platform’s contextual search features: Next Queries, Popular Searches, Related Tags, Recommendations, and Query Suggestions.
design tip
If you are planning to implement a contextual search experience and want to offer shoppers relevant suggestions or helpful hints from day one, you should implement tagging events in your commerce store before rolling out Empathy Platform search in your store.
Are you only interested in getting insights on interactions in the search experience or do you need to track browsing behavior too? If you want to determine whether shoppers’ behavior changes depending on whether they search or navigate your product catalog, then you need to think on implementing events to report back on the differences.
Do you know how your shoppers behave when interacting with your site's search? Are you aware of what's happening during shoppers' search sessions in your store? What are the KPIs you need to focus on to get insights into your shoppers' behavior? You need to implement events to gather and analyze information on shoppers' collective activity, such as the number of clicks on the first results page, and visualize data reports on product findability, add-to-cart rates, and search term success. Without collecting the right data, you won’t get the insights you need to enhance the experience.
To learn more about the different interactions that occur in your commerce store, read How to measure search (opens new window).