3 min read

Visualize search category performance with Categories

Categories is the Empathy Platform Playboard data visualization tool for exploring search success metrics across product categories and visualizing queries by categories and subcategories to maximize search performance in your commerce store. Queries are related to a specific product category and subcategory, if applicable, and treated as belonging to that group. The Categories dataviz evokes trust and understanding of the performance of each category.

You access Categories through the Insights landing page in the Playboard.

Try Categories to...

  • Discover the most relevant product categories for shoppers.
  • Understand the performance of a specific category or subcategory via different KPIs.
  • Analyze the terms shoppers use to find products from a given category.
  • Identify opportunities to enhance the performance of some misfunctioning categories.

Getting started with Categories

The Categories data visualization tool displays the total search queries performed during the last week (Sunday to Saturday) and the categories these queries belong to. On the right, a side panel with a chart and a table displays with data on the query distribution per category and KPI rates, such as findability and add-to-cart. This panel updates automatically when selecting a specific category or subcategory.

Categories main screen

Categories data visualization - (A) Categories tree, (B) Category side panel, (C) Category performance chart, and (D) Category performance table.

The data visualization has two main sections:

Categories tree

The Categories tree (A) includes the total number of queries launched in your commerce search during the last week (Saturday to Sunday) and the categories to which these queries belong. Click one category to unfold the subcategories within and so forth, if applicable.

Category side panel

The Category side panel (B) shows the category's name and ID. It gives a detailed data analysis about the queries performed associated with each category as well as percentages and rates related to KPIs, such as findability or add-to-cart:

  • Category performance chart (C): displays overall information related to the selected category or subcategory:

    • Queries: number of search queries performed related to the category selected versus the total number of queries for all categories or the category above.
    • Findability: number of clicks on products from the first page of the search engine results page (SERP) belonging to the category selected versus the total number of queries for the category.
    • Add2cart: number of products added to the cart belonging to the category selected versus the total number of queries for the category.
  • Category performance table (D): details information about the queries performed related to the selected category or subcategory:

    • Query: search query associated with the category selected.
    • Volume: number of times the query was performed during the analyzed period.
    • Percentage: number of times the query was performed during the analyzed period expressed in percentage versus the total number of queries for the category.
    • Findability: number of clicks made on products from the first page of the SERP related to the query versus the total number of queries for the category.
    • Add2cart: the number of products related to the query added to the cart versus the total number of queries for the category.

You find a Download button at the bottom of the Category side panel to download a CSV file with the data for any category for further analysis.


When the All categories option is selected in the categories tree, the side panel information relates to all the categories and the subcategories listed in the table. This information updates when you select a category or subcategory from the tree.