Discover the feed types
Different types of feed files can be indexed to configure, update, enhance, and fine-tune your commerce store search and discovery experiences.
Whether the feeds are internally generated by Empathy Platform or externally provided by you, the existing types are:
External feeds
- Catalog: contains all the products in your catalog in the form of documents, legible and understandable to the search engine.
- Categories: creates the browsing experience in your commerce store and designs its structure. It also applies filters to your product catalog in the search experience.
Internal feeds
- Empathyze: contains popular and trendy queries obtained by the Empathyze batch process that selects the candidate terms according to the number of repetitions.
- Imaginize: provides information about colors extracted from the products' images added to specific fields of the product document.
- Links: contains the configurations set through the Redirection and Promotion management tools of the Playboard.
- Query signals: provides a list of conversational search suggestions, such as next queries and related tags resulting from anonymized contextual data (shoppers' queries, product clicks, and purchases, among others) collected by the Tagging microservices and then analyzed and processed in the Query Signals batch process.
- Semantic suggestions: enriches the catalog with new field values to be used with different features and tools, such as Synonyms, Equalize, etc.
- Synonymize: contains the synonyms configured via the Playboard. Synonyms are indexed to enhance the product catalog documents.
- Top Clicked: contains a collection of the most clicked products detected by the Tagging microservice.
- Browse configuration: contains configuration data set up by the browsing Playboard tooling.
Operating with feeds
A feed can contain a full catalog or several files containing different or additional information that must be indexed to enrich the search and discovery experience. This means that it's important to consider not only the type of information when indexing a feed but also the operations to be performed on the already indexed data.
Depending on the operation to be done over the data, the types of feed that exist are:
- Full: This feed overwrites all previously indexed data and creates a new catalog with the information in the new feed.
- Partial: This feed contains partial information to be added to the already indexed data from a previous feed (for example, a feed that updates the stock information of several products in a commerce store).
- Config: This feed contains information about the internal configuration that the search engine needs. This type of feed is only used internally, and it can be full or partial.
Let's see which type of feed operates in one way or another:
Type of feed | Type of operation |
Catalog (products) | Full / Partial |
Categories | Full / Partial |
Empathyze | Full |
Imaginize | Partial |
Links | Full / Partial |
Query signals | Full |
Semantic suggestions | Full / Partial |
Synonymize | Full / Partial |
Top Clicked | Full |
Browse configuration | Config |