3 min read

Visualize navigation category performance with Navigation Metrics

Navigation Metrics is the Empathy Platform Playboard data visualization tool for learning and analyzing the category performance of the browsing experience. It fathoms out which categories performing better, what top products perform better in each category, and how a specific product performs in a category.

You access Navigation Metrics through the Insights landing page in the Playboard.

Try Navigation Metrics to...

  • Get insightful information about the shoppers' interactions with the product categories.
  • Analyze your shoppers' discovery path through the most clicked categories and subcategories.
  • Identify the most commonly used filters by shoppers when navigating your commerce store.
  • Discover the shoppers' preferences within a category once they click a specific product.
  • Look for opportunities for improvement for the less frequently used categories.

Getting started with Navigation Metrics

The Navigation Metrics data visualization tool displays analytics information about the categories your shoppers have interacted with the most during their discovery path throughout your commerce store. It provides insightful metrics such as views, click position, or CRT.

Navigation Metrics main screen

Navigation Metrics data visualization - (A) Header, (B) Categories performance overall, and (C) Categories visualization panel.

The data visualization has three main sections:

The Header (A) includes the date selector and the filters for the data (if applicable).

The date selector determines the date range for analyzing the category performance. There are four different options:

  • Today: category performance for the current day.
  • Last 7 days: category performance over the last seven days (default).
  • Last 30 days: category performance over the last 30 days.
  • Custom date: category performance over the time range selected.

If your implementation includes filters (language, device, country, or store), you can set a specific scenario to display category performance data. For example, filter category performance to see the interactions with your commerce store across different stores and countries to detect disparities between locations.

The top right corner has a toggle button to change the view in the Categories visualization panel (C).

Categories performance overall

The Categories performance overall (B) gives an overview of the navigation metrics analyzed to determine the categories with more shoppers' interactions. The metrics analyzed are the following:

  • Views: total number of times the category page is displayed.
  • Avg. click position: average position where clicks are made for a product.
  • CRT: total number of clicks compared to the total number of views.
  • Findability: total number of clicks on the first page of the category compared to the total number of views.
  • Add2cart: total number of products added to cart on all pages for the category compared to the total number of views.
  • Checkout: total number of checkout actions compared to the total number of views.

When clicking each metric, the categories treemap is displayed as a visualization by default to give details about the different categories and their data.

Categories visualization panel

In the Categories visualization panel (C), choose how you want to visualize the category performance information depending on the level of detail you want to get by using the toggle button in the top right corner. Select the Treemap view for individual metric information or the Table view for data about all of them.


To switch between views in the categories visualization panel, click the toggle button at the top right corner.

Treemap view

The Treemap view shows the categories related to the metric selected in the Categories performance overall (B) section. Data is displayed in decreasing order from left to right with a color opacity gradient. For example, the category with the most clicked products is placed in the top left corner, and the category with the fewest checkouts is placed in the bottom right corner.

Each square represents a category; the rest of the metrics information for this category is displayed by hovering over the category square.

Table view

The Table view shows category performance information related to all the navigation metrics. The columns correspond with the different navigation metrics, preceded by a column for the categories to which the information belongs: Category, Views, Avg. click position, CRT, Findability, Add2cart, and Checkout.

Click the column header to change the order in which the information is listed (ascending or descending order).