Understand search performance using Explain
Explain is the Empathy Platform Playboard tool that elevates explainability to the next level. Reinforcing the commitment with the principle of transparency, Explain provides merchandisers with enjoyable visualizations of how product scoring determines the order of products on the search engine results page (SERP), detailed explanations about how scoring criteria affect each product, and granular analytics of how queries perform in terms of KPIs such as CTR, findability, or checkout, among others.
The Explain landing page has a mandatory filter section to narrow your experience and a search box to enter the query you want to consult.
Instant bubbles, representing the top search queries within the last 15 minutes in your commerce store, float at the bottom of the screen below the search bar. Click one of them or type your query on the search bar to start your Explain experience.
Getting started with Explain
To start your Explain experience, perform the following steps:
Apply the mandatory filters from the filter section to set a specific scenario to display data.
Select the Explain view you want to explore:
- Search: understand which scoring criteria participate in the total product score, why products are positioned the way they are on the SERP, and how this position or score can be modified to adapt the product result list to your commerce store needs and business requirements. Within the Search view, you can access Product Analysis information, where scoring criteria affecting a product and insightful KPIs is detailed.
- Query Analysis: analyze the query performance for the last seven days in terms of the total number of queries, number of queries per session, CRT, conversion, and other insightful KPIs related to shoppers' interactions with queries and products on the results page.
Enter a query in the search bar or click a top query bubble to open the corresponding Search or Query Analysis view.
For more information on the Explain feature, see Discover Explain and the Explain feature white paper (opens new window).