4 min read

Get started with My Highlights

Streamline your search config workflow with your preferred tools and insights

My Highlights is the homepage for the Empathy Platform Playboard and gives a complete view of everything it has to offer. It is a dashboard that provides a customized and actionable experience to make the most of your commerce search and discovery.

Thanks to different customizable widgets, you check what’s happening in your commerce search and take action accordingly. Directly access your preferred Playboard features to fine-tune the search experience. Also, you can spot opportunities to improve search performance, identify key findings on search KPIs, and gain insight into the most popular or no-results searches, for example.

My Highlights dashboard

My Highlights dashboard - (A) View filter and (B) Widgets.

Access your Empathy Platform Playboard instance to land in My Highlights dashboard. Whenever you want to come back to the dashboard, click the My Highlights section, on the left side menu, or the breadcrumbs' sparkle button on top of the screen.

My Highlights dashboard has two main sections:


My Highlights dashboard is a customizable modal layout made up of widgets that display data and give access to several search configuration features. The widgets and their position vary depending on the permissions of your user role. Check Notes on My Highlights permissions for more details.

View filter

For a personalized experience, you can check the more relevant information for your needs, instead of the overall search data, with the View filter.

Click the arrow in the View filter area to display all filtering options available. The default “All filters & all categories” option displays overall search data when there are no other filters selected. You can narrow down the data shown with a combination of filters or categories and subcategories. There is a maximum of five of each type you can save as configured views.


My Highlights dashboard offers different widgets you can use to visualize relevant search data insights and analytics, access your preferred search configuration features, identify opportunities for improvement, and consequently, take action to optimize the search experience.

  • Welcome widget: Spot what you can do with My Highlights and access to related Empathy Platform Playboard documentation via the link to the Empathy Platform Docs portal (EPDocs).

    To those of you who have the role of Search Manager, this widget also includes a list of the last actions you performed during the last week. Expand and collapse each day and navigate through the timeline and actions you performed. Check Notes on My Highlights permissions for more details.

  • Insights widgets: These widgets relate to the Playboard's Now, Terms, and Categories data visualizations.

    • What are shoppers seeking?: Monitor what is happening in the last 15 minutes in your commerce search by choosing one of the KPIs available—Queries, Clicks, or No results. Click the redirection arrow for more detail in the Now data visualization.

    • What are the latest trends?: Discover which search terms are trending and monitor which are the top search terms for the last week in your commerce store. Choose between showing the top three terms by growth (selected by default) or popularity. Click the redirection arrow for more detail in the Terms data visualization.

    • How are categories performing?: See how product categories are performing in terms of queries, findability, and add-to-cart during the last week.

  • Analytics widget: See the top Playboard Overall KPIs at a glance to check how the search is performing with the How is search performing? widget. You can choose the search and navigation KPIs you want to see among CTR, Findability, Add to cart, Checkout, and No results. All KPIs with results are displayed by default.

    Tailor your experience

    Click the three dots icon to show or hide quick access for the available Playboard tools. The tools displayed by default are Explain, Promotion, and Query Ranking.

    You can modify the order of the features. Drag and drop, holding them from the left, to the place you want them to be.

    • My opportunities: Discover how to optimize the performance of your search. You can spot specific actions to improve query performance and relevance using the most appropriate Playboard tool. Each opportunity is related to a specific query, based on different search KPIs such as queries with low relevance or queries without results. Click the query name to learn why the recommended tools can help you leverage query performance and check query performance evolution over time.

Notes on My Highlights permissions

As the Playboard displays different tools depending on the features you have enabled in your Empathy Platform implementation and your user role permission restrictions, My Highlights may look different. When some features are hidden in your instance, they won't be accessible. Then, features in My Highlights are shown or hidden accordingly. Check the features that the dashboard displays based on your user role:

User role Access My Highlight widgets
Admins, search analysts, and merchants Insights, analytics, and configuration tools - Welcome widget
- Insights widgets
- Analytics widget
- Play widgets
Divisional merchandise managers, associate digital category managers & digital category managers Insights and configuration tools - Welcome widget
- Insights widgets
- Play widgets
Search manager Configuration tools - Welcome widget with last activity
- Play widgets